The ULTIMATE Magic Show with master illusionist Jonas Jost
A highly popular action-packed family show, featuring hilarious comedy and mind-blowing magic for kids and adults alike. This show is highly interactive, getting the audience involved in all the action onstage and isn’t just funny for the kids but the parents will have a good laugh too!
“Jonas is much more than an magician... He is a top entertainer who has the crowds laughing, mesmerized and enchanted!” - Ron Wilson, CHANNEL 10
Thursday 10 October 6pm
60 minutes
All Ages
Strobe, haze and smoke effects with elevated sound levels
Ticket Prices |
Member $30 |
Adult $35 |
Concession $30 |
Child (3- 18) $30 |
Group 4+ $30 |
Family (2A&2C) $120 |
Please note all online tickets will incur $1.50 per ticket processing fee |